Ka-Ching! Blog

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5 Key Strategies To Raise Financially Savvy Children

5 Key Strategies To Raise Financially Savvy Children

Raising financially savvy children in the modern world can be a real challenge. Their lives are full of material desires and marketing from an early age, their parents often commit financial mistakes themselves and they often do not see any reason to be concerned...

Why Teach Children Entrepreneurial Skills?

Why Teach Children Entrepreneurial Skills?

The launch of our Online Learning Membership Site has gone off with a bang! We’ve taken our teaching online. We’ve seen the need for ease of access, simplified learning. If you believe in giving your children a kick-start in life and giving them what they need to...

The Membership Site is Live

The Membership Site is Live

The long wait is over. The Ka-Ching! Business Parenting Membership Site is LIVE! We have worked long and hard to launch our interactive site, where all members can have the support they need through the learning journey with their children. Learning is so much more...

Ka-Ching! Online Learning Membership

Ka-Ching! Online Learning Membership

We have exciting news! Ka-Ching is going to be launching its very first online learning membership site. We want the learning to continue and the support to never end. We want learning, developing and growing to be made easy with our online learning platform. This...

The Ka-Ching! How to Guide

The Ka-Ching! How to Guide

This is learning made is with the Ka-Ching! How To Guide. We want to help you give your children the skills they need to thrive after school. This guide is a step by step look at how the journey could begin for you and your champions.

10 Benefits of Ka-Ching! for Developing Vital Life Skills

10 Benefits of Ka-Ching! for Developing Vital Life Skills

Will your child achieve his or her dreams? Is your child’s education preparing them for life after school? If you answered “maybe” or “not sure”, we have something just for you! This is your handbook with 10 benefits of using Ka-Ching! Business Parenting.

Parenting Guide to your Child’s Success!

Parenting Guide to your Child’s Success!

It’s time to Ka-Ching on your child’s future- and it all begins today! If you joined us on our previous blog and you were left with your appetite wet and wanting more, this is just for you! Now that the journey has been written on the walls and you have an in, on this...

Ka-Ching! on your child’s future!

Ka-Ching! on your child’s future!

Ka-Ching! is back and the long awaited relaunch process is finally underway. We have come back energized and ready to take you on a journey of growth and development, helping you guide your children towards becoming enterprising young leaders. As much as we want you...

Preparing Your Children For Life After School

Preparing Your Children For Life After School

You don’t wake up one day and your ageing 48 year old body has found renewed life and you're looking like a ripped 22 year old windsurfer. The same will be true of teaching children ‘financial fitness’. Without starting young, guidance and plenty of practice, they are...